Category Archives: Learn's Designmaker

Guide to Designmaker: All You Need to Know

When you hear the word ‘graphic design’, what comes up in your mind? What most people can agree though, is that design can be time-consuming and too expensive to create. Brainstorming and coming up with new and original content are taxing, and they are especially hard to do when you are pressed for time. Lacking

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Design your Valentine's card with Designmaker.

Design Your Valentine’s Card with Designmaker

Lo and behold – the sweet annual celebration of love revolving around chocolates and flowers is here once again. You might find yourself short on ideas to impress your loved ones, but not to worry! This article will get you started right away in planning the best Valentine’s Day yet this February 14th.  Whether it

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Digital marketing in the holiday season

Successful Digital Marketing During Holiday Seasons

For influencers, business owners, and marketers alike, the Social Media Marketing Calendar is an excellent tool to leverage upon holidays or important dates for cohesive marketing campaigns. Successful digital marketing during holiday seasons has been proven to heighten brand awareness, loyalty, engagement, and conversion. With our mini tool, you won’t miss any of these valuable

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