Category Archives: Learn

10 Tips For Creating Extraordinary Packaging Designs

Every year, HOW’s International Design Awards features some particularly extraordinary designs. In 2014, there were many inspirational packaging designs from around the world. As designers begin to evolve their designs, trends begin to change and packaging designs are modernized to accommodate those changing trends. That is why we have come up with 10 tips for creating

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10 Easy Steps To Become A Stress-Free Designer

Designer or not, everyone might succumb under the pressure of work. The load keeps on piling, deadlines approaching at alarming rates and the list goes on. However, we all can think of ways to organise ourselves so that the stress doesn’t get to us. Here’s a few that might help you: 1. Quality over quantity

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Do you know what it takes to become a digital nomad?

  Rest, relax and let inspiration flow while you explore the world. Doesn’t that sound great? Then why not be a remote freelancer? As a designer, you might have the chance to travel while working or work while travelling, whichever suits you better. The best part is that all of this is now possible thanks

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Cool gifts for designers

It’s the holiday season and it is time to relax, embrace joy, happiness and be grateful; but there’s always going to be one worry during this time of the year: PRESENTS. As a designer, it doesn’t matter whether you’re giving a gift to a fellow designer friend or you have to make your own wish

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10 tips to combine fonts like a boss

Let’s be honest, who isn’t attracted to creative and unique fonts? Fonts are great! The tedious part though is choosing the right font for your design or presentation. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and tricky to pick just one or two fonts. The problem is you sometimes end up choosing like ten fonts because you

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