5 Rules of Layout Design and Composition

Introduction: What is ‘Layout design’?  Designing content is all fun and games until you’re sat down with the ultimate dilemma of a question: What, where, and how do I begin? It’s the stuff of nightmarish procrastination for any designing content creator. This is why layout design is a fundamental process in every designer’s day-to-day work;

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Designs.ai - The basics of sustainable and green marketing

The Basics of Sustainable and Green Marketing

We’ve all known for quite some time now about the consequences of the climate crisis. Global warming, droughts, floods, deforestation, sea levels rising. As more of these issues invade our personal lives, more companies and brands are shifting gears and rebranding themselves to an eco-friendlier business. It’s not just the companies; it’s the consumers as

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Designs.ai - How infographics benefits businesses as a visual communication tool

How Infographics Benefit As A Visual Communication Tool

Businesses today are not what they used to be. In today’s social media era, businesses have modernized to better suit their target employees as well as consumers. An infographic is the right solution for today’s visually-centered society. Infographics are a visually compelling communication medium for all types of information, data, knowledge, and ideas. It takes dry,

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