| Freebie Alert | Free Summer Themed Smartphone Wallpapers

Freebie Alert! FREE Summer-Themed Smartphone Wallpapers

Kick off the summer with these 6 colorful and eye-catching summer-themed smartphone wallpapers from! Each design utilizes graphics from our very own Logomaker and Graphicmaker tools, and editing using Designmaker. The colors used are also based on summer-themed color palettes which you can find on Color Matcher. Download the full set now and use our

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quarantine, covid-19, skills

8 Side Skills To Learn While In Quarantine

Lives have changed drastically over the past couple of months. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has bounded us in our homes with grocery store run-ins feeling like a luxury. With external stimuli like the outdoors, gym, malls out of reach, many have resorted to creative ways to kill their time and stagnation. And while not

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The 16 MBTI Personalities in Quarantine

The 16 MBTI Personality Types in Quarantine

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a common test used by psychologists, employers, guidance counselors, and individuals to better understand human personalities. They indicate differing psychological inclinations in how people perceive themselves, view the world, and make decisions.  This article details how the 16 different MBTI personality types act in quarantine.   THE ANALYSTS  

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