Tag Archives: design

Freebie Designs.ai presentation templates Graphicmaker

Freebie Alert! Free Designs.ai Business Presentation Templates

Got a big business presentation coming up? Present your investor updates, marketing plan, or product pitch in style with our Designs.ai business presentation templates. This freebie set comes with 3 uniquely-designed presentation slides using Designmaker with graphics from our very own Graphicmaker.  Click ‘Download now‘ below to get all 3 presentation templates!   READ MORE: Freebie Alert! Free Designs.ai

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designs.ai, fontpairer

The Importance of Font Pairing & How To Get Good At It!

Colors and content are the focal points of a design. These elements illicit interest and keep viewers hooked. However, oftentimes while we invest in these factors, elements like fonts and their pairing with the design become an afterthought.  But, fonts play a crucial role in design. It brings personality with itself, pairing just any font

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10 Easy Steps To Become A Stress-Free Designer

Designer or not, everyone might succumb under the pressure of work. The load keeps on piling, deadlines approaching at alarming rates and the list goes on. However, we all can think of ways to organise ourselves so that the stress doesn’t get to us. Here’s a few that might help you: 1. Quality over quantity

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