The Basics of Sustainable and Green Marketing - Basics of sustainable and green marketing

We’ve all known for quite some time now about the consequences of the climate crisis. Global warming, droughts, floods, deforestation, sea levels rising. As more of these issues invade our personal lives, more companies and brands are shifting gears and rebranding themselves to an eco-friendlier business.

It’s not just the companies; it’s the consumers as well. A study by Forbes shows that 54% of Gen-Z are more likely to purchase from an environmentally aware company with a sustainable and green production or manufacturing process. When executed correctly, it can boost your business significantly. Hence, many companies are greening up their marketing strategies to attract newer generations.

What is Green Marketing?

Green marketing is the practice of developing and advertising products based on environmental sustainability. (Side note: sustainability is the act of not using up the future generations’ resources.)

An example would be Starbucks’s campaign of reducing its carbon emissions, waste output and water impact by 50% before 2030, switching to reusable packaging and training its staff on sustainability and environmental stewardship courses.

Starbucks as an example of company that runs green marketing campaign.

These are just some of the characteristics of eco-friendly companies:

  • Reduce carbon footprint in logistics, packaging.
  • Purchase from sustainable suppliers.
  • Reduce single-use plastics, non-renewable and non-recyclable materials.
  • Promote eco-friendly initiatives.
  • Communicate eco-friendly messages to the public.

You can do it too!

Once you’ve greened up your act, you’re going to want to promote the message and spread that awareness through your social media platforms. However, green marketing only works if you’ve genuinely committed yourselves to be green. With empty claims, it could do way more damage to your brand than help it. This is also known as greenwashing.

What is greenwashing?

Greenwashing is the act of falsifying an image of your brand, company, service or product being environmentally friendly. It is essentially a way of deceiving customers into thinking that they are supporting an eco-friendly initiative. Greenwashing is most notorious in fast fashion companies. What you want is green marketing, not greenwashing.

H&M's Conscious Collection being a product of greenwashing.

H&M was called out for their Conscious Collection being a product of greenwashing. A line of clothing made from sustainably sourced materials and in-store drop-off bins for old clothes. The fast-fashion store is often criticized for its half-baked initiatives to move away from its environmental damage. The key is to maintain transparency and consistency in your message. You do not want your green marketing strategies to backfire at all.

The objective of green marketing should be to:

  • Demonstrate social responsibility
  • Create and raise awareness of the issue
  • Let existing customers know your standing on this issue
  • Implement sustainable business practices
  • Reduce negative impacts on the environment

Anyway, once you’ve got that part down, it’s time to communicate your passion for the environment through content, specifically through digital design! One of the best ways to reassure your customers that you are upholding those values is through social media that they can often engage with.

Use these green marketing templates by Designmaker for your social media postings:

Even if you’re not creatively inclined or tech-savvy, Designmaker’s templates with a focus on environmentalism, green and sustainable marketing will be sure to save you the hassle of coming up with content from scratch! 

1. Running Event Program

Green marketing template design for running event by Designmaker.
Green marketing template design for running event. (Source: Designmaker)

2. World Environment Day

Green marketing template design for World Environment Day by Designmaker.
Story post template for World Environment Day. (Source: Designmaker)

3. Fundraising Event

Green marketing template design for fundraising event by Designmaker.
Invitation template for a social activism fundraising event. (Source: Designmaker)

4. Social Activism

Instagram post template for social activism by Designmaker.
Instagram post template for green marketing. (Source: Designmaker)

Remember that it’s okay to start taking baby steps if you’re new to this, don’t expect to have massive Starbucks-sized green initiatives. Lifestyle changes are no easy feat, and the fact that you’ve read this blog article says a lot about your curiosity to do more for the planet. Every little bit is a contribution. 

The future is green, so take the opportunity to move towards a more sustainable business model and pair it with an incredible green marketing strategy! Go green marketing!


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